San Diego Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy, Inc.
We believe that every child is truly special and that each and every child is a winner.
Thinking about enrolling your daughter or granddaughter in martial arts? Hesitate no longer. “Girls are typically better students than boys in my Taekwondo classes, ” admits Grandmaster Maurice Orange, who has been teaching kids taekwondo for five decades. The girls pay attention in class. This video demonstrates that girls can kick it – in taekwondo! The student in this reel was enrolled as a young child, and she’s working her way through the ranks of Taekwondo.
Thankful for Life
Did you know that Grandmaster Orange nearly died in a bad motorcycle accident in August 2020? Two years later, he and his wife went back to Sharp Memorial Hospital to thank the healthcare workers who saved his life. Watch it here:

COVID Update Message from the GMO:
There have been several changes at Sidekicks Martial Arts. COVID-19 has caused extra cleanliness and protection measures. We are embracing these changes, and adding a few of our own.

Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy home to Grandmaster Orange and hundreds of black belt students he has trained over 40 years in business. Karate classes build self confidence, the most powerful gift you can give your child. Schedule a meeting with Grandmaster Orange to determine if Sidekicks is a good fit for you both.
Looking for a martial arts program for your child or grandchild? It’s an important decision.
Need some guidance on making the right choice? Grandmaster Orange has taught tens of thousands of students martial arts.
Download his check list of what to look for in choosing a martial arts school for your kids.
Students: There’s a principle called “Even When No-one is Looking.” It’s time for you to put your Sidekicks tenets leaned, to the test, at home. Your parents and grandparents need you now to step up and be the best you can be. Especially when no-one is looking!

Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy offers new students free classes for one week. Come try Taekwondo with Grandmaster Orange! Apply here.
It’s not often that a martial arts academy has a Grandmaster teaching classes, especially in San Diego! Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy was founded by Grandmaster Maurice Orange. GMO opened his first Taekwondo school in 1980. He founded Sidekicks Martial Arts in 1989.
Still running the academy, and often teaching classes, legendary Grandmaster Orange “GMO”instills his students with a keen sense of self confidence and respect for elders. Students at Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy are trained in the principles of Martial Arts Excellence. Find out more about it here.

About San Diego Sidekicks
Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy home to Grandmaster Orange and dozens of black belt students he has trained over 40 years in business. Sidekicks provides holistic martial arts training that brings out the best in you and your child. Sidekicks Martial Arts emphasizes academic excellence, family responsibility and personal protection for children.
Sidekicks Taekwondo training instills character, discipline and self respect in kids of all ages. Armed with positive attributes, Sidekicks Martial Arts students develop inner strength necessary to avoid temptations facing youth of today.
Is Your Child the Next Karate Kid?
Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy offers new students free classes for one week.
Come try Taekwondo with Grandmaster Orange!
Here’s what families are saying about Sidekicks:
Sidekicks Achievements

What if your child was always opening the door for you?
That’s Courtesy!

What if your child behaved well and spoke kindly of others at home and school?
That’s Integrity!

What if your child developed the trait of never giving up ?
That’s Perseverance!

What if your child got in the habit of always telling the truth?
That is Self Control!

What if your child was able to get up and keep on going even in the face of difficulties ?
Indomitable Spirit!

Could you imagine how fantastic you’d both feel ?
That’s Victory!
Sidekicks Upcoming Events
Here is Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy calendar of Sidekicks special events. It includes Sidekicks Testing Days. Additionally, GMO will announce events in class, that may not be posted here. Above all Sidekicks students, keep well informed by coming to all of your classes!