Sidekicks Taekwondo News
Sidekicks Students Sparring Competition in Class Keeping track of Kicks and punches during sparring competition is not so easy. Things happen quickly out on the sparring floor and you have to be decisive and quick to call out what you see. You also have to be honest about what you don’t see. That’s called No…
Wishing Everyone a Great Year of the Dragon 2024! The Dragon can bring prosperity and good luck! Learn about the Year of the Dragon in this ABC news story. Grandmaster Orange created this image of an orange made into a dragon using AI!
Many Sidekicks parents and even Sidekicks students struggle with trying to tie a taekwondo belt. In fact, maybe this scenario looks and sounds familiar at your house, when getting ready for Taekwondo. Watch this video to see How To Tie a Taekwondo Belt. Yes, there is a specific way to tie a taekwondo belt.…
What are some martial arts topics that Sidekicks students learn about? Well, I recently sat in on a week of Taekwondo classes at San Diego Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy and these are some of the topics that students were learning about from their teacher, Grandmaster Orange. The five weapons in a kick. What they are…
Sidekicks Halloween Photo Shoot for Sidekicks Martial Arts Students is coming up on Saturday October 28 and Monday, October 30 of 2023. Be sure to sign up in advance at the school and pay in advance to save $$. Then wear your Halloween costume for getting your photo taken by GMO. See some previous images…
A Call for Prayer: Supporting a Family at Sidekicks Facing Cancer In times of hardship and adversity, the power of support and prayer can provide immense comfort and strength. The Sidekicks community has been a long-standing pillar of support for one another, and now, a beloved family within the community is facing a challenging battle…
Sidekicks White Belt Power! White Belts come and white belts go. But the ones who stay become Yellow Belts, then Green Belts, and on to Blue Belts. And the really dedicated White Belts then turn into dedicated Red Belts, and the exceptional ones stay long enough to become Black Belts. And you know what? A…
Grandmaster Orange and Mrs. Orange will be attending and honored at this upcoming Reno TKD event hosted by Grandmaster Clint Robinson. Grandmaster Robinson and GMO have known each other since they met at a Taekwondo Tournament back in the 1970’s. Clint appeared with a big head of hair and he was young and thin and…
Celebrating Inclusion Grandmaster Orange spoke to students at High Tech Middle School, as a special guest for their Black History Month Community Meeting. He was invited by a current Sidekicks student. Sidekicks students are encouraged to learn and practice leadership roles. The student who invited Grandmaster Orange to speak took on a leadership role by…
Saturday was Sidekicks Belt Rank Testing and here are s few Sidekicks Testing Day photos. Students were proud and so were their families, and instructors. These students are only five years old and they already made yellow belt promotions. Grandmaster Orange was at the testing and the students were happy to pose with him…
One of the Sidekicks moms is a volunteer at the House of Ukraine. She recently travelled to her home country of Ukraine and brought her parents and sister here to escape the war in Ukraine. “February is the shortest month of the year for everyone in the world, but for us it has become the…
Celebrating Ms. Castillo is what we are doing this week. For those of you who know Ms. Castillo, you see that she enjoys teaching the kids Taekwondo. And she is really good at it! In fact, so good that she is going to move to the Philippines, and open a Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy there.…
When Grandmaster Orange was just a kid, he was able to meet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How did that happen, you ask? Well, sit back and have a listen to the story. One day Martin Luther King Jr. visited Oklahoma City, where Grandmaster Orange lived as a kid. Martin Luther King came to speak…
Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 – October 15 this year. Sidekicks is proud to have students of all backgrounds. Find resources and learn more here on the Hispanic Heritage Month website. In this video you can see samples of Hispanic, Latino, and Latinx Heritage, which has influenced a lot of our food, music and…
Like the best-laid plans, even making his ninth-degree black belt did not turn out as he thought it would. He began practicing the form four years ago in 2019, breaking down into tears as his physical body began to feel it; realizing that this was his last form- ninth degree black belt being the highest…
Navy Veteran Thanks Sharp Memorial Hospital Staff for Saving His Life Maurice Orange doesn’t know where he’d be if it weren’t for the hospital staff, and his wife who never left his side Read the original NBC news story here By Joe Little • Published November 23, 2021 • Updated on November 23, 2021 at 5:53 pm Maurice Orange doesn’t know where he’d…
Tenets of Taekwondo are recited at the start of each Taekwondo class at Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy in San Diego. What are the Tenets of Taekwondo ? They are Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and Indomitable Spirit. The result is Victory! Students learn the Taekwondo Tenets at Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy and they recite the tenets…
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Sidekicks is proud to have students of all backgrounds. Find resources and learn more here on the Asian Pacific American Heritage website.
San Diego Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy, Inc. has carefully structured Martial Arts Training Programs geared to bring out the best in you and/or your child. They emphasize academic, family responsibility and personal protection for children. Meet the President & Founder of Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy, Grandmaster Maurice Orange. (Read the original article here.) How did…
Devon Brady was a student of GMO back in the early days of Sidekicks. Now Devon Brady is back at Sidekicks and he’s bringing his son to Sidekicks too! Mrs. Brady is now at Sidekicks as a Grandma. From then to now, one thing has remained the same. Grandmaster Orange and Sidekicks discipline. The…
Teaching Life Skills, Confidence and Self-Defense the Sidekicks Way By Karen Pearlman Thursday, March 3, 2022 In the mid-1960s as a young man growing up in large, broken family with eight siblings in Oklahoma City, Maurice Orange said it was deeply disturbing to watch his older sisters fall into patterns of different forms of abuse…
Taekwondo Talent Finds Second Chance at Mayo Clinic Read the full story here on Mayo Clinic magazine homepage. A first responder pronounced Maurice Orange dead. Maurice’s body lay crumpled on the hot asphalt in San Diego. His prized Gold Wing 1800 motorcycle wrecked nearby. His fiancée, Cheri, knew something was wrong that afternoon —…
Injured veteran reunited with medical team that saved his life: ‘I’ll never forget this day’ Read the full story here on https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/injured-veteran-reunited-with-medical-team-that-saved-his-life-ill-never-forget-this-day/ It’s a fact that fills the Navy veteran, martial arts grandmaster and photographer with gratitude. On Tuesday, Orange, who was badly hurt in a motorcycle crash last year, had the chance for…
Here’s an excellent resource for learning. Check out https://www.dunesisland.org/curriculum You’ll find resources for math, vocabulary, environment, activities and much much more!!
Important Message from ** Grandmaster Orange Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy – COVID-19 Update – May 2020 ** San Diego CA The last month of April has been one of the most difficult months in many of our lives, including GMO’s life, and one of the most memorable. He tells about recent conversations he has had…
Did you know that Sidekicks has a 6th degree black belt Master McDowell? Master McDowell is from Jamaica, and started his Martial Arts journey there, via self training. After trying various martial arts disciplines, it was Taekwondo which became his lifelong passion. At home in Jamaica, he continued learning Taekwondo on his own. He…
Today’s Taekwondo At Home Lesson is “What Taekwondo is Not” Taekwondo has demonstrated that it is not a fad. It has been around for decades and has been popular in the United States for over 50 years. Fads usually do not require physical or mental disciple, they only require physical action. With no discipline required,…
Meaning of the term Tae kwon do The literal translation of the word Taekwondo can be broken down to “tae” meaning to kick with the foot. “kwon” means to punch or strike with the hand. “do” means art or way. Therefore, Taekwondo translates to “the art of kicking and punching.” Its physical aspects come from the kicking and…
One of the Sidekicks students invited Grandmaster Orange to speak with his class at school, as an Everyday Hero. You can listen to the visit that GMO had at the school classroom last year. HERE IS THE LINK TO LISTEN. During the end of the visit, he even made the school teacher a grandmaster for a day.…
Integrity is always telling the truth it’s one of Sidekicks Taekwondo Tenets. The others are Courtesy, Perserverance, Self Control, Indomitable Spirit. Today’s Lesson is Integrity Instructions: Answer these questions as well as you can. You may ask your grandparent, parent, brother or sister to help you. Write your answers on a piece of paper. If…
Why did Grandmaster Orange start Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy? So every child could have a place at the table of leadership. If you are a Sidekicks Student, you’re a part of the Sidekicks legacy. GMO started Sidekicks for you. So that all students can sit on the testing board… he leveled the playing field. He…
Today we are having a TP (short for toilet paper) challenge. GMO woke up with the idea to get creative during our quarantine time. So here’s what he came up with, a TP Challenge. Check out some entries that have been submitted so far. Then come up with your own creative idea. This was the…
Today we’re going to take a Virtual Russian Cruise, without leaving the house! So pack your imaginary bags, grab your travel pass, and let’s go! First up, we’ll visit a Russian market place! Window on the World Russian Market Tour Take a virtual stroll through a traditional farmers’ market where vibrant fruits and vegetables are…
Hello Sidekicks Families! Using the proper handwashing technique is always important, and now it is critical for keeping yourself and other people healthy and safe! When Grandmaster Orange was in the United States Navy, back in the (1970’s and 1980’s) he learned and practiced this technique. Did you know that GMO worked in an Operating…
Sidekicks is a Community. Grandmaster Orange and his team are here to help you get through the days of no school. We’ll be providing a Taekwondo At Home Assignment every day, for students to continue practicing and learning. Go to the News section of Sidekicks website. Each day you’ll find new assignments posted for students…
Hello Sidekicks Students, Choose positive words. Today’s lesson is about being positive. That means acting positive, behaving positive, thinking positive, and being positive. Grandmaster Orange expects you all to remain positive in every aspect. You can do this! It’s a part of living your Taekwondo at home. Even when no one is looking. Put a…
Greetings Sidekicks Families, Sidekicks is a Community. Grandmaster Orange and his team are here to help you get through the days of no school. We’ll be providing a Taekwondo At Home Assignment every day, for students to continue practicing and learning. Go to News section of Sidekicks website. Each day you’ll find assignments posted for…
Students: There’s a principle called “Even When No-one is Looking.” It’s time for you to put your Sidekicks tenets leaned, to the test, at home. Your parents and grandparents need you now to step up and be the best you can be. Especially when no-one is looking! What are some things you can do with…
🥁🖍📙 Things Not Cancelled A great reminder, of things we can still do, even while there is no school, and, alas 😣 no in person Taekwondo classes, for the moment. This excellent reminder, came from an interesting website https://weareunsinkable.com which we’d like to credit. Thanks, Unsinkable! What’s not cancelled? Well, to start with: Getting outdoors…
GMO was not even Grandmaster Orange yet. He was only a seventh degree black belt, thus Master Orange. Still he was honored as local hero. In typical form to how he’d act today, Grandmaster Orange thought, “do I go after that purse snatcher, or be a good witness?” Well, what do you think GMO did?…
GMO: “Goal Setting gives you the opportunity to predict the future in advance.” Makes sense to me. Here’s GMO explaining the concept in this audio clip. (He’s placing fruits on the counter, as his visual examples.) [[/vc_column_text] “Here’s how to do it. I start with the end game, then I work my way backwards. Most…
Did you know that Grandmaster Orange used to have a Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy location in Rancho San Diego? Well he sure did. For eleven years. Now the location is still a martial arts studio. It is currently Aspire Martial Arts in Rancho San Diego. Aspire Martial Arts is owned and managed by two of…
If you’ve been around San Diego County for a while, you’d be familiar with the DARE Program. DARE was San Diego County Sheriff Department’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. DARE volunteer representatives would visit various public school sites and help to inform kids about the dangers of drug abuse. One of the things Grandmaster Orange…
Where it all began!! Grandmaster Orange started National City Taekwondo Center, way before most of his current students existed, way back in nineteen hundred and eighty three. That’s right, folks, 1983. Here’s some pictures of his Taekwondo jackets to prove it. 😉 National City Taekwondo Center White Jacket of GMO National City Taekwondo Center Black…
Broadcaster C.S Keys came to Sidekicks to spar with Master Orange, back in the day! Mr. Keys was a beloved local San Diego television sports personality. At times, C.S. Keys would go out into the community with challenges in various sports techniques. One such challenge, brought Mr. Keys to Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy. In June, 2000.…
Newly Promoted Black Belt Student @ Sidekicks Jamaica gives thanks to his teachers, Master Delroy McDowell and Grandmaster Orange. This Jamaica Sidekicks student proudly shares his experience and gratitude in a post below. . Knowing that Taekwondo is a life long practice, means patience is an important factor to success. Especially when going for your Black…
Sometimes when parents watch a martial arts class at Sidekicks and see their child sparring for the first time, they may wonder what is going on? When Sidekicks students achieve Green Belt Rank, they begin learning and practicing sparring. Be assured, that its safe. The kids wear padded headgear, gloves, boots, and as a safety…
Lots of kids that train and practice marital arts with Grandmaster Orange are second generation students. This means that their parents were also students of GMO, and now the parents bring their kids to Sidekicks. In several families, the grandparents are now bringing the kids to Sidekicks! During the summer, Mr. Pablo came all the…
Walking through the milk aisle in Ralphs, GMO has known to be spotted. Here you see him being stopped by a former student, of many many years ago, who recognized him. She was very pleasantly surprised to see Grandmaster Orange, who was only Master Orange, at the time she trained with him. She wanted to…
Here’s a typical day “at the office” for GMO. He arrives to the martial arts studio and is teaching classes. He sees a food drive going on out in front of the studio. He goes out and starts talking with the kids organizing it, and asks why he and the other business owners were not…
Halloween at Sidekicks included a Halloween photo shoot for students. GMO is also a professional photographer, one of the best in San Diego County, actually. Sidekicks students were able to sign up for in costume or in uniform photo sessions with GMO. Grandmaster Orange brought in professional Halloween backdrops, props, and spooky music. It was…
Grandmaster Orange talks to the kids in martial arts class about how his mom was smarter than he was. He tells the story of how she signed him up and kept making him go to Martial Arts class. Were you there?
Sidekicks Taekwondo Daily Dozen Exercises The following stretching exercises are supplements to the Taekwondo workout. Stretching should not be done with cold muscles, so do something before beginning to warm up. A warm bath, sauna, or light exercise is fine. Also, when doing stretches, reach and extend–do not bounce. Because muscles need oxygen to stretch,…
One of the most professionally run Taekwondo organization in the world. SidekickS Martial Arts Academy was founded by Grand Master Maurice Orange, 8th degree black who is in residence at the international Headquarters in San Diego, California. All instructors and black belts within the Association are trained under his direct supervision. Taekwondo can be learned by everyone…
The Sidekicks Taekwondo style emphasizes the develop-ment and use of both kicking and hand techniques to its best advantage – which provides greater striking strength in all areas of its techniques. The school has a collective wisdom and experience of over 80 years. Sidekicks Taekwondo style consists of seven sections of physical training which improve…
San Diego Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy, Inc. We have carefully structured Martial Arts Training Programs geared to bring out the best in you and/or your child. We emphasize academic, family responsibility and personal protection for children. Self-confidence and more at Sidekicks. Arm your child with positive attitude and confidence. Call us today. Our Training Centers…
He has 150 Black Belts presently under his portfolio that are active in training. Sabum Orange offers his life according to his Taekwondo philosophy. He visited Korea on many occasions. He went to the A.T.A./S.T.F Leadership Training Camp held in Korea at the Hae-in-sa Temple. 196 Certified Black Belt instructors attended the camp headed by…