A miniature Bruce Lee

One of our Sidekicks students is a miniature Bruce Lee. He was interested in Taekwondo for a long time before he was even old enough to take classes. In fact, his brother and sister were Sidekicks students even before him! In his heart, he really wanted to be a miniature Bruce Lee.
When he finally was able to join his siblings in Sidekicks Taekwondo lessons, Theo was so excited. Here’s a picture of him with Grandmaster Orange, back before COVID started.
Then with the pandemic of Corona Virus, sone of the Sidekicks students stopped coming to classes for a while. It took a long time before Theo’s family came back to Sidekicks. But when they did, he was ready to kick and spar! So ready, that he even wanted to read GMO’s Bruce Lee book. The day that GMO let him borrow his coveted ages old Bruce Lee book, Theo was on cloud nine. It was super exciting!
He was surprised to learn that the Sidekicks forms contain Wing Chun moves, in other words, moves similar to those practiced by Bruce Lee. Why is that? Because GMO was a Kung Fu Wing Chun student and he really liked those moves, so he incorporated them into the Sidekicks Green Belt Form 1 and Sidekicks Green Belt Form 2, so that Sidekicks students would have the best moves in their forms. Now our miniature Bruce Lee has become a Green Belt, and he is living his dream, practicing the same moves as his idol. Go Theo!