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Locks of Love

Locks of Love

One of our Sidekicks students who had become known for his long hair, was recently inspired to chop it all off.  Why?

Because back in 2023., he saw a commercial on T.V. for St. Jude’s Hospital It featured a young child patient without any hair.

He asked his parents why the child didn’t have hair on his head? That was the moment he learned about the struggles faced by kids with cancer. It inspired him to start growing his hair longer and longer so that one day, he could donate his own hair to a child with cancer.

Ever since seeing that commercial, a couple of years ago, he kept growing his hair.

Before and after Locks of Love

Here is his before and after photo.

Finally his hair grew long enough for him to donate it to a child with cancer. He donated his hair through “Locks of Love.”

This organization has been helping children with hair loss since 1997. Their guidelines for hair donation can be found on their website here.

He grew his hair so long that he was able to donate 14 inches of hair. This was his first time donating his hair to Locks of Love and he plans to do it again.

Happy with his decision, and inspired by making the donation, he told us, “This is one way I can give back to children who are fighting cancer, and I hope this will make a difference in their lives.”

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