Sidekicks White Belt Power!

Sidekicks White Belt Power!
White Belts come and white belts go. But the ones who stay become Yellow Belts, then Green Belts, and on to Blue Belts. And the really dedicated White Belts then turn into dedicated Red Belts, and the exceptional ones stay long enough to become Black Belts.
And you know what? A Black Belt is just the beginning of continued life-long acceleration and excellence. All Black Belts were more than likely, a White Belt at one time or another. That’s known as White Belt Power!

Being a White Belt is not easy. It means learning a lot of new things, including some things that are brand new concepts and ways of being. And it means having to show up, time after time. Even when you don’t feel like it. Being a white belt means opening the door for your moms and grandparents. It means helping out more at home, and being more serious about school. It means becoming a better citizen and learning to treat others with respect.
Yes, it means learning new forms and new ways of moving, and coordination; strength and endurance building. It means all this, and so much more. But really, it is the beginning of your future success.
Sidekicks White Belt Power!