Perseverance Pays Off

Perseverance Pays Off. Jonas R. was a student of GMO back in the early 1990’s. He got his black belt in June 1993. Here’s a photo of them. Jonas was going through struggles that a lot of youth and teens go through. Being temped into joining gangs was one of the struggles Jonas had to fight against. There were times when he was not strong enough to avoid temptations, and he paid the hard price.
When Jonas got older, he became wiser and got stronger mentally. He reached back out to GMO for help in the way of mentoring. Since Grandmaster Orange was also saved by a mentor when he was a youth, he knows the importance of good role modeling. GMO and Jonas met once a week for many months, right up to the time when GMO’s accident happened.
Perseverance Pays Off
During these times, Jonas began working on writing a book about his journey. He worked hard and persevered and Jonas met his goal, getting his book published. He also got married and had a family. Now Jonas is back in contact with GMO and is even working on his second book. He’s also doing public speaking and motivational coaching. Through his books and by sharing his story, Jonas aims to help others avoid similar temptations.
Jonas has a website here
You can preview or purchase Jonas’s book here