Pray for Ukraine

One of the Sidekicks moms is a volunteer at the House of Ukraine. She recently travelled to her home country of Ukraine and brought her parents and sister here to escape the war in Ukraine.
“February is the shortest month of the year for everyone in the world, but for us it has become the longest. And it did not start on February 1, but on the 24th, which was the first day for us. The first day of the full-scale invasion. And then there was the second, third, fourth, fortieth, one hundred and first, 353… every day is a date for someone, and for us it is another day of struggle. Soon it will be 365 days plus 8 years.
For each of us there is a day that was memorable, a day that hurt, pinched and sometimes even made us happy. All the days in conjunction and every day individually was in the fight for the most important thing – for freedom. Every such free day was very precious to us and this struggle continues to this day.” From the House of Ukraine website
To help out Ukraine locally in San Diego, please contact House of Ukraine in Balboa Park. House of Ukraine is a cultural museum in San Diego providing information to the public about the country of Ukraine: