Sidekicks Martial Arts in Rancho San Diego

Did you know that Grandmaster Orange used to have a Sidekicks Martial Arts Academy location in Rancho San Diego? Well he sure did. For eleven years.
Now the location is still a martial arts studio. It is currently Aspire Martial Arts in Rancho San Diego. Aspire Martial Arts is owned and managed by two of GMO’s former students, Johnnie Morris and his wife Michelle Morris.
Throwback Thursday bonus is that Johnnie and Michelle met at Sidekicks.. That’s another legend though.
Grandmaster Orange pops in and assists in the belt rank testings at Aspire Martial Arts from time to time. Here’s a photo from one of the recent testings at Johnnie’s school.

GMO at Johnnie’s Testing

GMO Aspire Testing
You can check out Mr. Morris’s martial arts school website here. Grandmaster Orange recently said, “It pleases me to know that my previous location is alive and well with teachings from my former student Johnnie Morris.”
Here are some recent videos with GMO judging student belt rank testings at Aspire Martial Arts in Rancho San Diego.
Throwback Thursday EXTRA BONUS: There was even a martial arts school located in the same Rancho San Diego location before Sidekicks was there. That school owner was also a student of Grandmaster Orange. Talk about creating a Legacy! He trained with GMO in Guam, when he was a kid!