National City Taekwondo Center

Where it all began!! Grandmaster Orange started National City Taekwondo Center, way before most of his current students existed, way back in nineteen hundred and eighty three. That’s right, folks, 1983.
Here’s some pictures of his Taekwondo jackets to prove it. 😉

National City Taekwondo Center White Jacket of GMO

National City Taekwondo Center Black Jacket of GMO
And also you could ask Ms. Castillo about it… Or Mr. Tran. Or Mr. Copon. Yes, they were all students at that time, too.
Mr. James Jabinal was a student of GMO’s at National City Taekwondo Center too. You can see a video about Mr. Jabinal here, on the Sidekicks You Tube channel.
He popped into class one day when we were videoing. Mr. Fincher happened to be teaching, so GMO was available to chat with Mr. Jabinal at the time.
Here’s a recent testimony that came in to GMO over social media, regarding the National City Taekwondo Center. From a former student of Grandmaster Orange!