Positive Words

Hello Sidekicks Students,
Choose positive words. Today’s lesson is about being positive. That means acting positive, behaving positive, thinking positive, and being positive.Β Grandmaster Orange expects you all to remain positive in every aspect. You can do this! It’s a part of living your Taekwondo at home. Even when no one is looking.
Put a positive word in this empty jar.Β Just like we can fill our minds, we can fill this jar with positive thoughts.
Can you add 5 positive words about your family?
Some examples — kind, helpful, supportive, encouraging, laugh together, help each other, love each other…
Now your turn. Come up with some new ones on your own.
Add five words that are positive about yourself.
Maybe things like — strong, good personality, indomitable spirit, happy, smart, brave, funny…
Your turn!
If you need some more ideas, here is a list of words to describe yourself using creative words. Pick some you like, that describe you!
What five words can you add in the jar about Grandmaster Orange? π
For example:Β Persevering — Indomitable spirit — Caring — Healthy — Fit
What else can you think of?
How about the day today? What can you say about today that’s positive? π
Nice weather — sun shining — rain falling — warm — almost the end of this week
Here’s a resource with a long list of descriptive words from Z – Z, if you feel stumped! Choose a few from here.
You’re getting the idea!
What other positive thoughts can you come up with?
Our minds are similar to this jar. We can fill them with whatever we choose. Choose positive thoughts. Choose to do positive deeds. Choose positive actions. Choose positive words. You are in control of your thoughts, words and deeds.
Now for extra extra credit, I want you to share this message with someone you speak with today, who may need it. When you encounter someone who has something to say or does something that is not positive. Share with them what you’ve learned.
You can lead by example. π