🚽 TP Challenge Entries 🧻

Today we are having a TP (short for toilet paper) challenge. GMO woke up with the idea to get creative during our quarantine time. So here’s what he came up with, a TP Challenge. Check out some entries that have been submitted so far. Then come up with your own creative idea. This was the image that started it all this morning!
See what creative TP creations you can come up with. Post them on the Sidekicks Facebook page here
Then the entries started coming in through chat and text messages…
Some of our parents even joined in the TP Challenge this morning!
Then more wanted to play and join the TP Challenge!
These two cute foster pups were not so happy, to site still while getting their picture taken. But they did participate!
Then GMO got really into it, and started to come up with these entries…
Some of us regrouped and tried again…
Because we still weren’t quite getting it!
Now you try! See what you can come up with! Make sure to share them on the Sidekicks Facebook page here